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- #help.tut Extra help for tutorials
- #define.stb On line glossary- definitions of legal terms
- #2201.stb Uniform Commercial Code-- Statute of Frauds
- At good old "common law" a statute, called the "Statute of
- Frauds", or better yet really a "Statute to Prevent Frauds"
- required that certain deals had to be in writing to be valid-
- and, typically--
- 1. A contract regarding real estate;
- 2. A promise to pay the debt or obligation of another;
- 3. A contract that couldn't be performed within one year.
- At common law, such contracts had to be in writing and signed
- (maybe even sealed) to be valid by both parties. The "Statute"
- has had a number of changes. The major change engrafted on it is
- that full performance of a contract, for example, if the money
- has changed hands on a real estate deal, and, the buyer has
- moved in, well, the contract just might be good. Don't count on
- it though. If a contract is within the statute of frauds then
- unless it is written- it is best to forget it! The purpose of
- this tutorial is to heighten your awareness of the need to do
- things in writing!
- A special statute of frauds applies to "merchants" under the
- Uniform Commercial Code. That is discussed elsewhere in this
- program.
- We follow with a list of the types of agreements that need to be
- in writing, state by state.
- This should be self-explanatory, but, the phrase, "agreement made
- where consideration is marriage" refers to any agreement in which
- some sort of money, property or gift is to be given to someone in
- exchange for marriage, and also can be interpreted to refer to
- pre-nuptial agreements.
- What if you have entered into a deal that is within the state law
- requiring a deal to be in writing and it wasn't in writing? See
- an attorney- there may be a way to enforce the contract anyway.
- First of all, Judges may make exceptions to the law, or, there
- may be another way (another cause of action, that is to say,
- another legal hypothesis that does not require a written
- contract) to get around the statute of frauds. On the other hand,
- don't count on it! Finally, if the list of agreements in the
- State in question does not list the type of contract that you are
- interested in, you nevertheless are always advised to do it in
- writing!
- GENERAL- The Uniform Commercial Code (U.C.C.) contains two
- statutes
- of frauds regarding the sales of goods between merchants.
- These parts of the U.C.C. are available by pressing "S" and
- selecting the U.C.C.- Statute of Frauds; to toggle back and forth
- between the full text of the statutes and the tutorial, please
- press "O." "Merchants" are those who deal regularly in a
- business. A contract for sale of goods of a value of more than $
- 500 must be in writing, and signed by the purchaser.
- The U.C.C. specifically provides that between merchants if a
- confirmation is sent by one side to the other (usually by the
- seller to the buyer) the deal is good even without a signature-
- there is an obligation of a businessman to object to a
- confirmation within ten days when it is sent to another merchant.
- The U.C.C. also provides that a sale of securities must be in
- writing to be valid, or, a confirmation must be sent a reasonable
- amount of time after a deal is made, and then the deal is good,
- unless an objection is made within ten days.
- ALABAMA- Contracts for the sale of real estate; agreements to
- make wills; promises to pay debts in decedent's] debts;
- agreements not performable within a year.
- ALASKA- Promise to pay the debt of another; agreement by executor
- of estate to pay claim against the state; real estate agreements;
- except leases of less than on year; agreement to make a trust;
- agreement with real estate broker to sell property.
- ARIZONA- Promise to pay debt of another; agreement not to be
- performed within one year or within a lifetime; agreement to
- transfer to someone property as a result of marriage; sale of
- real estate; lease of real estate for over one year.
- ARKANSAS- Promise to pay debt of another; convey real estate;
- agreement that cannot be performed in one year; promise to pay
- debt in an estate.
- CALIFORNIA- ***** WARNING ******* California provides that any
- agreement to modify a written contract must be in writing! READ
- AND HEED! Agreement to pay the debt of another; sale of real
- estate; lease of real property for more than one year; agreement
- for real estate brokerage listing; agreement that will not be
- performed within the lifetime of maker; agreement that cannot be
- performed within a year; agreement to honor claim in estate.
- COLORADO- real estate agreement; or lease for more than one year;
- promise to pay a debt of another; agreement that is based on
- promise of marriage.
- CONNECTICUT- Agreement that cannot be performed in one year;
- agreement for real estate transaction; leases for more than one
- year; or a lease where the person is not put in possession;
- agreement made where consideration is marriage.
- DELAWARE- Agreement where consideration is marriage; agreement
- for the sale of land; agreement to answer for obligation of
- another; agreements to make a will; lease for more than one year;
- agreement that cannot be performed in one year.
- DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA- Agreement to answer for the debt of
- another; agreement that may not be performed within one year;
- lease of more than one year; agreement for real estate sale.
- FLORIDA- Agreement to pay the debt of another; agreement made
- where the consideration is marriage; contract for sale or other
- conveyance of interest in real estate; agreement that cannot be
- performed within a year; warranty agreement that is to be
- enforced against a doctor; agreement to pay a debt in an estate.
- GEORGIA- Promise to pay the debt of another; agreement that is
- made where the consideration is marriage; agreement that cannot
- be performed within a year; "landlord- tenant" agreement that is
- for more than one year; contract for sale of land or other
- interest in land; promise of an executor to pay a claim in an
- estate.
- HAWAII- Promise to answer the debt or obligation of another;
- promise that is made where consideration is marriage; real estate
- brokerage agreement; sale of land or interest in land; executor's
- promise to pay a debt in an estate; agreement to list real
- estate.
- IDAHO- Agreement that is not performable within a year; agreement
- to answer for the debt of another; agreement made where
- consideration is marriage; agreement for lease of more than one
- year; agreement for listing of real estate with broker; real
- estate sales agreement.
- ILLINOIS- Sale of real estate; agreement that cannot be performed
- within one year; agreement to pay the debt of another; trust
- agreements; promise of an executor to pay claim in estate;
- agreement made on the promise of marriage.
- INDIANA- Contract for selling real estate or interest in real
- estate; warranties regarding medical treatment; agreement for
- real estate brokerage; promise to pay the debt of another;
- contract made where consideration is marriage; agreement to pay
- claim in an estate; agreement to sell trees or timber; agreement
- for sale of securities.
- IOWA- Agreement for transfer of real estate; leases in excess of
- one year; contracts that cannot be performed in a year; promises
- made where consideration is marriage; promise to pay the debt of
- another.
- KANSAS- Agreement to pay the debt of another; lease of real
- estate for more than one year; agreement to pay a debt in an
- estate; sale or transfer of an interest in real estate; marriage
- contracts (other than the marriage itself.)
- KENTUCKY- Ratification of a contract after a person reaches his
- majority; agreement made on the consideration of marriage;
- transfer of any interest in real estate; lease for more than one
- year; agreement for real estate brokerage; promise to pay the
- debt of another; promise to pay claim in an estate; agreement
- that cannot be performed within one year.
- LOUISIANA- Louisiana is a civil law rather than common law state,
- so, this gets tricky. Generally, the transfer of an interest in
- real estate, unless possession has passed is to be in writing; as
- is the sale of property worth more than $ 500 (there are
- exceptions.) Please see an attorney trained in Louisiana Law for
- more information.
- MAINE- Any non-compete agreement; any agreement for sale of
- interests in real estate; agreement to pay the debt of another;
- contract that cannot be performed within a year; agreement to be
- asserted against minor once he reaches majority; promise to pay
- claim in an estate.
- MARYLAND- Assignment or sale of interest in real estate;
- agreement to answer for the debt of another; agreement where
- consideration is marriage; contract that is not performable
- within one year; promise to pay claim in an estate; agreement or
- assignment of interest in a trust.
- MASSACHUSETTS- Promise to honor a claim in an estate; agreement
- to answer for the obligation of another; agreement where the
- consideration is marriage; agreement for transfer of real estate
- or an interest in it; agreement that cannot be performed within a
- year; agreement to make a will or related agreements.
- MICHIGAN- Agreement for real estate brokerage; agreements that
- cannot be performed in one year; agreement where consideration
- is marriage; agreements to answer for the obligations of another;
- leases of real estate for more than one year; agreement to
- transfer real estate.
- MINNESOTA- Agreements to answer for the obligation of another;
- agreements that cannot be performed within a year; leases for
- more than a year; agreement where the consideration is marriage;
- agreement for transfer of real estate.
- MISSISSIPPI- Agreements to answer for another's obligations;
- agreement where the consideration is marriage; agreement for a
- lease of real estate for more than one year; agreement to
- transfer an interest or sell land; agreement that cannot be
- performed or has a potential term of 15 months (NOTE- Fifteen
- months, not one year); promise to pay debt in an estate.
- MISSOURI- Agreement to answer for the obligation of another;
- agreement for the sale or transfer of an interest in real estate;
- agreement that cannot be performed within a year; agreement to
- pay a claim in an estate; agreement where consideration is
- marriage.
- MONTANA- Agreement to answer for the debt or obligation of
- another; agreement that will not be performed in a year;
- agreement that is made where the consideration is marriage;
- agreement to sell real estate; lease for more than one year of
- real estate; agreement for real estate brokerage.
- NEBRASKA- Agreement which is not to be performed within a year;
- agreement to answer for the debt or obligation of another;
- contracts for the repurchase of corporate securities; lease for
- more than one year; agreement where consideration is marriage.
- NEVADA- All real estate conveyances; trust agreements; agreement
- which cannot be performed within a year; contract to pay the debt
- or other obligation of another; agreement where consideration is
- marriage.
- NEW HAMPSHIRE- Power of attorney to sell real estate; contract
- that cannot be performed within one year; promise to pay the debt
- of another or to assume obligation of another; contract for sale
- of real estate.
- NEW JERSEY- Agreement which cannot be performed within one year;
- agreement made where the consideration is marriage; agreement to
- pay debt or obligation of another; sale or interest in real
- estate; agreement to honor claim in an estate.
- NEW MEXICO- Agreements that cannot be performed within a year;
- agreements for sale or lease of real estate; promise to pay
- a debt or answer obligation of another; agreement based upon
- marriage and promise to make a will or post-mortem gift.
- NEW YORK- Contract for the sale of securities; sale of real
- estate or lease for more than one year; other interest in real
- estate; agreement that can not be performed within a year;
- agreement to pay the debt of another; agreement to assign life
- insurance policy or other insurance contract; real estate
- brokerage listing and agreement; agreement where consideration is
- marriage.
- NORTH CAROLINA- Although of questionable constitutional validity,
- a contract with a person of Indian blood (Cherokee) for over $
- 10.00 requires two witnesses and a writing, note that this does
- not include persons who speak English; agreements to answer for
- the debt or other obligation of a third party; mining leases (for
- more than three years); sale of real estate or interest in real
- estate.
- NORTH DAKOTA- Agreement that cannot be performed within one year;
- agreement for sale of real estate or an interest in real estate;
- agreement to make a loan of over $ 25,000; promise to pay the
- debt of another.
- OHIO- A promise where the consideration is marriage; agreement
- that cannot be performed within a year; agreement to pay the debt
- or to answer for obligation of a third party; contract for the
- sale or transfer of an interest in real estate; agreement or
- promise made by a medical care provider related to "guarantees of
- prognosis"; certain personal services contracts such as dancing
- lessons, martial arts, health spa services must be in writing;
- contracts where the consideration is marriage.
- OKLAHOMA- Agreement for a lease of more than one year; contract
- where the consideration is marriage; agreement for the sale of
- real estate; agreement to answer for the debt of another or
- obligation of another; agreement that cannot be performed within
- a year.
- OREGON- Agreement to answer for the debt of another; agreement
- for sale of real estate; agreement for real estate brokerage;
- agreement that cannot be performed within a year; agreement made
- upon the promise of marriage; agreement for the lease of real
- estate for more than one year.
- PENNSYLVANIA- Interest in real estate other than lease for less
- than three years; sale of securities; sales of personal property
- for over $ 5,000; promises to pay other's debts.
- RHODE ISLAND- Agreement for real estate brokerage; contract that
- is for the sale or a transfer of an interest in real estate;
- agreement to answer for the debt or obligation of another;
- agreement to honor a claim in an estate; agreement where the
- consideration is marriage.
- SOUTH CAROLINA- Agreement for transfer of an interest in real
- estate; leases for more than one year; promise to pay a debt or
- answer for an obligation of another; representations concerning
- credit of another must be in writing and signed; agreement when
- the consideration is marriage; agreement that can not be
- performed within a year.
- SOUTH DAKOTA- Agreement that cannot be performed within one year;
- agreement to make a loan; agreement for the sale of real estate
- or a lease for longer than one year; agreement which is made upon
- consideration of marriage; auction sales must have book entries
- made by the auctioneer.
- TENNESSEE- Agreement to pay the debt or answer for the obligation
- of another; agreement for the sale of land; lease for more than
- one year; agreement made where the consideration is marriage;
- agreement to honor a claim in an estate; agreement that cannot be
- performed within on year.
- TEXAS- Agreement for brokerage of oil or other minerals;
- warranties or guarantees made by medical service providers
- (however, pharmacists are not covered); promise to pay a debt in
- an estate; promise to pay the debt of another; lease for more
- than one year, or transfer of interest in real estate; agreement
- which is made on consideration of marriage; agreement that cannot
- be performed fully within one year of making.
- UTAH- Real estate transfers or leases for more than one year;
- agreement to pay another's debt or to answer for the obligation
- of another; agreement that cannot be completed within one year of
- the making of the agreement; real estate brokerage agreement;
- agreement where consideration is marriage; promise to honor a
- claim in an estate.
- VERMONT- Agreement made where consideration is marriage; agreement
- for medical care; promise to pay the debt or to answer for the
- obligations of another; sales or transfers of interest in real
- estate; an agreement that cannot be performed within one year;
- promise to honor a claim in an estate; action regarding
- representations concerning the credit of another.
- VIRGINIA- Agreement for the transfer of real estate; Agreement to
- ratify a debt incurred by a minor once the minor reaches the age
- of majority; promise to answer for the debt of another or other
- obligation; agreement for real estate brokerage; agreement where
- the consideration is marriage; agreement to honor a claim in an
- estate; agreement that cannot be performed within a year; action
- based upon a representation regarding the credit of another.
- WASHINGTON- All leases for mobile home; lease for more than one
- year (and must have notarization); agreement for real estate
- brokerage; agreement where the consideration is marriage; promise
- to honor a claim in an estate; agreement that will not be
- performed within a year; promise to answer the debt of another;
- real estate transfers.
- WEST VIRGINIA- Agreement where the consideration is marriage;
- agreement that cannot be performed within a year; promise to pay
- a debt that a minor contracted, after the minor reaches majority;
- agreement for a transfer of real estate, except for a lease of
- less than one year; agreement that cannot be performed within one
- year; agreement to honor a claim in an estate; agreement to pay
- the debt or honor the obligation of another; representations
- regarding the credit of a party are not actionable unless the
- representation is in writing.
- WISCONSIN- Transfers of real estate; a lease of more than one
- year; agreement to pay the debt or answer for the obligation of
- another; agreement where the consideration is marriage; agreement
- that cannot be fully performed within a year of its being made.
- WYOMING- Actions may not be brought regarding representations
- made as to someone's credit unless the representations are in
- writing; promise to pay the debt of another; agreement for the
- transfer of real estate, or lease of more than one year;
- agreement where the consideration is marriage; agreement than
- cannot be performed in one year.